
17-18 September 2015, was held an expert visit of advocacy specialist the NGO “Gay-alliance” Anatoly Nishtuk to Kirovograd

17-18 September 2015, was held an expert visit of advocacy specialist the NGO “Gay-alliance” Anatoly Nishtuk to Kirovograd, during which them were given consultations the Regional Coordinator in Kirovograd region Lintsova Victoria. Among the issues discussed, we would like to highlight the following:

– Was analyzes the state of implementation the regional program against drug abuse. Analysis of the official report the results of the program for 2014 shows that the program has been implemented only partially. To understand how the program was effective, or vice versa, it is necessary to ensure conduct the public analysis of results of the program. For realization of this analysis were studied all activities of the regional program against drug abuse.

– Was granted technical support concerning the numerical increase the number of MSM in Kirovograd Region and making changes to the regional program for HIV/AIDS to increase the volume of funding for measures for work with MSM. The basis of same name report at the nearest meeting of the regional Coordination Council on HIV/AIDS and TB will be assigned materials of bio-behavioral study among MSM in 2013, commissioned by ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”.

– Discussed the issue of necessity to initiate the development and implementation of a mechanism to ensure the continued provision a transitional period services for vulnerable groups through local funding, especially from mid-2017. The experts were asked to create a working group at the Regional Coordination Council, which will develop a plan the transition period, including achievement of using a interdepartmental working group to develop and implement a mechanism a transitional period in the Ministry of Health, is now working on these issues at the national level.

– Analyzed the algorithm to provide free legal aid to vulnerable communities that is now being established in Kirovograd region.

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For reference:
Work on capacity building and capability of vulnerable communities implemented by NGO “Gay-alliance” in the direction “Social mobilization, strengthening of ties, cooperation and coordination” among vulnerable groups IDU/OST, sex workers, MSM, former prisoners in 5 regions of Ukraine (Lviv, Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, Sumy), with the financial support of ACO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH” and ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”.

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