
According to data of the Kyiv Municipal AIDS Center, the number of HIV-positive people with homosexual sex over recent years significantly increased

According to data of the Kyiv Municipal AIDS Center, the number of HIV-positive 12742735_1104479822918593_742752621279422386_npeople with homosexual sex over recent years significantly increased. Over the past five years their number has increased 6.5 times.


In 2015, through the work of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have real access to the most vulnerable groups and implement effective prevention programs among them, the percentage of persons who were taken under medical supervision in the AIDS Center from NGOs on redirect amounted 63.4 %. The rest of cases (36.6%) were cases of the same appeals and referrals from other health facilities.

In 2015, the proportion of people with homosexual sex in sexual transmission amounted 30.1%, what representing 16.2% of the total number of people who registered for the first time.

In 2015, new cases of HIV among MSM every seventh person was discovered at the age to 24, which amounts to 23.4%. The proportion of MSM detected at the stage of AIDS among of the registered in 2015 amounted to 14.9%, in the age group of 15-24 amounted to 11.5%.

According to evaluation data in Kyiv are living 36,300 MSM (30% of MSM population in Ukraine), of which 23.6% are HIV-positive, namely one in four of MSM are HIV-positive, of them only one in 13 knows their HIV status.

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