On the 27th of October in Kyiv hosted a round table “A social order as a funding mechanism for prevention of HIV/AIDS”, conducted by NGO “Labor and Health Social Initiatives”, with a support of USAID program «HIV reform in action” with the participation and representative of “Gay-alliance”.
In the event were presented results of research funding mechanism of social order among the various vulnerable groups in HIV/AIDS sphere, to ensure sustainability of providing services for high risk groups at the end of funding the Global Fund.
Frankly, after the end of the round table I had a lot more questions than answers because it is not clear how it will be implemented a mechanism of social order (and, perhaps, will be implemented some other mechanism) for HIV prevention, because authorities believe this issue is currently non-priority for myself.
During the meeting turned out that the Ministry of Social Affairs wrote new standards for social services to HIV/STIs prevention for vulnerable groups, and recently conducted a public discussion of this issue in their website.
But almost none of the NGOs who are working directly with these groups, it was not even heard. In other words, social standards have been drawn up without the participation of NGOs and take account of their comments and needs and this issue requires additional advocacy from the side of the non-governmental sector.