Events Organizaton


Written by Alliance.Global

The Paralegal Hub of the NGO “ALLIANCE.GLOBAL” conducted a training webinar dedicated to the new law on mobilisation.

The webinar was a success, attracting a considerable number of participants and listeners. The session with a practising lawyer, which turned into an interactive format, deserves special attention. Participants actively asked questions, discussed possible legal nuances, and received competent answers. This format allowed not only to obtain valuable information but also provided participants with the opportunity to resolve specific legal issues that concerned them.

The speaker shared key points and innovations:

  • The obligation of male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60, who are on military records or removed (excluded) from military records, to present a military registration document
  • IDPs are obliged, within 7 days from the date of registration as an internally displaced person, to register with the TCC and SP at the place of residence of the internally displaced person
  • Consular actions in foreign diplomatic missions of Ukraine under martial law conditions are carried out upon the request of men, provided that these persons have military registration documents
  • Instead of conscription service in Ukraine, basic military training is being introduced, particularly in higher education institutions. This training will last up to three months during martial law and up to five months in peacetime.
  • and other norms.

One of the most interesting presentations was the project coordinator’s speech, who examined the innovations in the law and their practical application in detail. His speech was filled with specific examples and analytical conclusions, which aroused keen interest from the audience.

After the main part of the webinar, a question and answer session with a lawyer was held, where participants were able to receive individual answers to all their pressing questions.

The activity of the webinar participants was high: a lively discussion, numerous questions to the speakers, and interaction in the chat confirmed the importance and relevance of the topic. We sincerely thank all participants for their contribution and look forward to further cooperation in similar events.

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